25 Minutes to address the issue of African labor in St. Domingue
There is currently a panic at Le Comité de Salut Public due to the surprise protests in Haiti. Members of the Committee of Public Safety have only twenty five minutes to come up with a solution for the issue of African labour of the french colony of St. Domingue.
The slaves in Haiti are furious and are protesting for their rights. The people at Le Comité de Salut Public must come up with resolution that will let them keep the slaves or else there will be consequences toward France.
If France does not come up with a resolution in twenty five minutes, one of the three consequences will occur. It is possible that Haiti becomes an independent country and is completely freed from France, or England or Europe could take over the France’s colony.
In order to make sure that none of these consequences happen, the Le Comité de Salut Public must offer something to salves to prevent them from wanting to leave the French Colony.
The body is planning on providing medical needs to the Haitians because one of the members of the Le Comité de Salut Public is willing to give up their fund of 5,000 “dollars” worth of medical supplies to anyone who is in need.
Others disagreed:
“We must provide protection in military, gather weapons from training and offer protection for Haitians,” a Member of Le Comité de Salut Public said.
Le Comité de Salut Public offered Haiti more protection rights towards their colony, offering Haiti the opportunity to maintain their own military forces.
Update: Haiti took the offering of more military protection and now owns their own military force.
The Le Comité de Salut Public accomplished their surprise crisis of Haitians demanding a new resolution because they felt as if they were being treated unfairly. Haiti now has the opportunity to maintain their own military forces and it has been very successful.