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UNDP Members present The Comprehensive Resolution

Authors of The Comprehensive Resolution present their plan

NEW YORK CITY - Representatives of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are attempting to draft a solution for world hunger. Three plans have been proposed; however, “The Comprehensive Resolution” seems to be the most popular among delegates.

“This plan strongly suggests the implementation of programs to advocate for women’s rights in the agricultural industry,” said the Swiss delegate. Training programs for women would be made in order to create jobs in the agricultural field. To achieve this, the UNDP would request the participation of organizations such as “Hunger Project.”

Social media was also introduced as a means of empowering women throughout lesser developed countries. However, opposing delegates find issue with this. Much of the lesser developed countries do not have access to social media, therefore making this aspect of the plan ineffective in some areas.

However, even with this flaw, most delegates seemed excited to put this plan into action and preferred it over other plans. The UNDP will be voting on which plan to pass in the coming hours.

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