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SpaceX Starting Lineup

The prospect of Mars torments the minds of 12 candidates today as private company SpaceX voted on their ideal team of astronauts. With only 6 spots available on the journey to Mars, a wrong decision could end the colonization as quickly as it began.

The launch requires skills from a biologist, commander, software developer, mechanic, chemist and pilot.

The biologist position was between Andy Gehrrig from Columbia University, specializing in botany and Sandy Marsh from the University of Tampa, who graduated top of class with a degree in Marine Biology.

The position ultimately went to Gehrrig due to his specialization in botany and the potential relevance this may have in agricultural expansion on Mars.

The candidates for commander were Andrew Harding and Christine Gailwood.

A Duke graduate with a dual degree in astronomy and applied physiology/kinesiology major, and a minor in leadership, Andrew Harding got the majority vote.

The position of software developer required skill in computer science and math, and was ultimately given to Thomas Fallon over Rick Reagan.

Despite Reagan’s qualification, Thomas Fallon was chosen for the position as he has been rising quickly through the ranks of SpaceX. Head of Mars planning Maria Wil commented on age being a determining factor in the decision:

“It’s not just because we don’t like old people.” Head of Mars planning

The position of mechanic was a general consensus and candidate Louis Child was voted in over candidate Grant Sterling. Child’s success was attributed to his education at Georgia Tech as an engineering major. Even though Child won the vote, he did not win the heart of Connie Rowan Head of Software Engineering who commented:

“Louis Child does not have a degree in any math.”

Despite being an engineer himself, Rowan found Child unqualified in comparison to statistics major Grant Sterling.

The position of chemist was between Talis Sprigs and Liza Fortunelli. Sprigs seems to be the perfect candidate for chemist on paper, with an interest in chemical compositions and focus in pharmaceuticals, yet moments before voting procedure he was found to have measles. In response to the diagnosis, Vice President of Communications Greer Iman refuted:

“He may have measles now, but our launch is in a year.”

Despite Iman’s attempts, Liza Fortunelli, an MIT grad with a degree in chemical engineering and a minor in astronomy, was chosen as chemist

The pilot for this launch was chosen to be Lt. Tom Kazansky: a highly trained and skilled Naval Aviator who “flies with ice in his veins.” His experience being deployed and involved in combat over the Indian Ocean set him aside from Naval Aviator Lt. Pete Mitchell, the other candidate.

SpaceX now has their starting lineup …

Hopefully this mission to Mars is the beginning of a new age of exploration and not devastation.

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