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The UN Security Council passes all resolutions for the Bosnian Refugee Crisis

After a 5 minute debate, all resolution papers at the United Nations Security Council passed with no objections, and all the delegations present were open to friendly amendments.

The UNSC met at New York City, New York in the early months of 1993 as they faced the repercussions faced by the breakup of Yugoslavia.

Serbia expanded their control to the very border of Bosnia and Herzegovina and managed to centralize the Bosnians into a central location. Providing relief to the refugees was a pertinent issue addressed among the two dominant resolutions.

The UNSC debated what course of action they could take to provide humanitarian aid to the refugees in Bosnia and worked on achieving thorough and comprehensive resolution papers to overcome the refugee crisis.

The Official Gazette of The Bahamas reporter, Karla Leon, interviewed the delegation of France and the United Kingdom on their resolution papers before voting procedures began.


Q: How has the United Nations Security Council dealt with the “humanitarian disaster” going on right now in Bosnia?

A: We are trying to provide humanitarian aid in Yugoslavia. The way that we are doing this is that we have two different resolution papers. And the way that France’s resolution paper is approaching this is to provide transportation and aid through aerial, naval, and land-based forces.These land-based forces are the easiest way to provide aid but aerial forces are perfect for areas where land-based solutions are difficult to provide.

Q: Where there any conflicts between the two resolution papers? Did they clash?

A: There weren’t any conflicts between the two resolutions. Right now there are only friendly amendments that we are currently working on.

Q: Were there any distinctions between the two resolution papers? And if so what were those distinctions?

A: The distinctions being made are simple and most amendments are just rewording and making it more cohesive. The resolution paper of China, Djibouti, etc., they focus more on naval sources but our two papers are very, very similar. They coincide a lot with one another. I’m pretty sure we will pass both papers in conjunction. Overall, everyone agrees with the solutions and I think the team works very well together.

The United Kingdom

Q: What are your thoughts on the solutions brought forth today?

A: I think all solutions were very comprehensive and we all worked very hard on them. They do touch base on many similar things, though. I was personally hoping for the two groups to merge the separate resolution papers into one resolution in the end, though that didn’t end up happening. But, It’s ok.

Q: What's your opinion on the overall flow of the debate?

A: The flow of the committee is very good, and the dais is very cool.

Q: What’s your favorite solution? Which solutions were very creative or stood out to you? Besides your own, of course.

A: China came up with a lot of great ideas. He really knows his stuff and he introduced the idea for the naval transportation for the refugees and using that as a mode to hand out supplies. I found that idea to be pretty cool.

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