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WHO II: What to do?

The World Health Organization II (WHO II) finds itself divided as control methods for Tuberculosis are debated. This airborne disease has affected numerous countries around the globe and must be contained. The immersion of a new Tuberculosis strain creates concern amongst countries as they focus on preventing TB from spreading.

From the WHO II assembly four resolutions are now being proposed, all varying in focus and depth.

The joint work of Russia, The U.K., Uganda, China, and Italy has resulted in the E.T.A.( Education, Treatment, and Assistance) plan. This plan focuses on educating and informing committees, treating and regulating drug use, and assisting patients purchasing medicine.

The United Kingdom expresses:

“We wish to cure the Tuberculosis epidemic without disturbing how nations typically behave themselves.”

Because of the sporadic mutation of Tuberculosis, research funding is essential to the success of disease containment. Costs must be kept low in order to allow a widespread solution which can be readily available to poorer nations.

Russia on finance:

“ We would like to keep the costs as low as possible and utilize public and private partnerships and provide treatment to less developed countries.”

Another group, consisting of Belgium, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, and India; is keeping focus on the opportunities available for less developed nations within nations more developed. Education is a major component to this block, as they dive into the importance of education.

Malaysia: “We find education in treatment to be extremely important in order to prevent the widespread of Tuberculosis.”

The main varying factor amongst groups seems to be in regard to the mutation of Tuberculosis. The antibiotic strain of Tuberculosis requires specialized and is the main focus of research efforts. A simple misdiagnosis can produce fatal results.

Angola, Afghanistan, Chad, Bulgaria seem to have a generalized approach to combat the mutation: their research modeled after cancer studies. They plan on creating a new virus to combat the already present hybrid.

Angola: “ We don’t just focus on education or research. We focus on all of it.”

This perspective is being heavily opposed by other country groups, Belgium specifically finds flaw in the research.

Belgium on cancer research: “Bacteria can change their own DNA, cancer cells cannot. The introduction of a virus can make tuberculosis more dangerous than it already is.”

A fourth resolution comes from Egypt, Poland, Turkey, Bangladesh, and Austria, who maintain short term goals for places already affected by Tuberculosis. Guest speakers with past Tuberculosis education would be utilized in schools to spread information to uninformed populations.

Egypt: “We have more short term goals such as infrastructure in the form of mobile clinics, as well as safe houses to provide an immediate solution and quarantine. “

With four alternating solutions in progress, country officials must vote and work together to ensure the most effective solution for all parties involved.

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